About Imagination Alley

Imagination Alley is a pocket park located in the heart of Vine Street in Over-The-Rhine. Situated in the 1300 block of Vine, the space has been underutilized in recent years. Recognizing the potential for the site, the City of Cincinnati sought proposals from organizations who would want to manage the space. 3CDC’s proposal, which included improvements to the physical space, followed by ongoing management and programming of the reimagined space, was selected. Construction on the site began in May 2021. The redevelopment will create a welcoming space activated by events, showcasing local artwork and building community congregation. Imagination Alley will be home to a variety of events and community gatherings, including programs like the Street Stage Project, Final Friday, and other activations that will draw residents and visitors and help cultivate neighborhood camaraderie.


Community Engagement Process

Before work began on Imagination Alley’s 2021 renovation, 3CDC conducted a series of community engagement sessions to figure out what neighbors and visitors wanted out of the redesigned space. The Miami University Storefronts Group led a community outreach process with residents to determine their wants and needs in the reimagined Imagination Alley. Based on that feedback, included in this report, a survey was conducted of nearby residents and businesses to further refine designs for the updated space. Feedback was focused on the importance of creating a safe, welcoming environment available to all.


Imagination Alley Plaque

At the completion of Imagination Alley’s recent renovation, a new plaque will be added to provide context around what the space means to the community:

A small public park with a long history of neighborhood folk coming together to express—through community-based art and activism—our dreams for peace, unity, justice, and freedom in our neighborhood of Over-the-Rhine. In 2004, the Imagine Peace and Unity Archway was installed, featuring mosaic tiles designed by neighborhood residents involved in various community centers. The Archway, and additional mosaics, remain a staple of the park today. In 2020, a cohort of neighborhood residents facilitated a community input process to gather ideas for the redesign of this park. Imagination Alley was renovated to reflect these suggestions in 2021.

Everyone is welcome here

Black lives matter here

People homeless matter here

For some, this is our yard in the city

It’s a gathering place for quiet, for conversation, for family fun

We want everyone to be respected, safe, and culturally embraced

The peoples’ art and creativity can flourish here

We are family, all part of the Beloved Community


Imagination Alley Mosaic Archway

The Imagine Peace and Unity Archway is a staple of Imagination Alley, and has been since artist Suzanne Fisher erected the piece in the early 2000s. Fisher worked with local community centers and art clubs including The Art Academy of Cincinnati, Peaslee Neighborhood Center to get neighborhood residents engaged with the design, creation and installation of mosaic works of art throughout Over-the-Rhine. More than 200 friends and neighbors helped create the piece that remains a beloved part of Imagination Alley and OTR.